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Welcome to TradeEd

TradeED is a program in partnership with CNM utilizing the Dual Enrollment program with APS. TradeED will begin with the focus of 4 major areas. Through CNM Dual Enrollment students will have the ability to earn certifications in one of these areas:

Program available to incoming 11th and 12th grade students.

Student Expectations: Dual Enrollment students will be responsible for their own transportation to CNM classes. Students are immersed in a Fulltime university type atmosphere at CNM and are expected to perform at that maturity level. Students will earn 1.0 elective credit on their high school transcript for every 3 credits earned at CNM- and grades earned will reflect on both their high school and college transcript. Students must adhere to CNM deadlines and expectations for enrollment, registration, and withdrawal from programs. Students must maintain a 2.5 or greater cumulative grade point average (GPA) each semester of enrollment at both eCademy and CNM.

Students will continue to enroll and complete core academic credits for high school graduation through eCademy. If a student graduates from high school prior to finishing their certification program it will be the student's financial responsibility to finish the program at CNM and achieve their certificate. eCademy will cover course and material fees for those students accepted to the TradeED program up to the time of their graduation from APS or their completion of the CNM certification (whichever comes first).

Per FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act), Colleges/Universities, CNM and DC Instructors will NOT discuss grades, student progress, transcripts, financial aid, disciplinary information, etc., with parents without a signed release by the student. TradeED will cover any course fees for the certification programs listed above for students in good academic standing at both CNM and eCademy. If a student fails to remain in good standing, the student may remain in the CNM program, but TradeED will no longer scholarship course fees at CNM and students are expected to return the resources provided to them by eCademy.

Please sign and return this form to Mr Worley, eCademy Assistant Principal, or you may also type your name and submit it via email to worley

Student Name __________________________

Parent Signature/Acknowledgement ______________________________________

Date _________________________________

TradeEd Flyer

Download the TradEd Flyer to learn more.