Our 90 Day Plan
NM Dash SummarY
Every school in New Mexico drafts an annual plan for state reporting and accountability. You can visit New Mexico Public Education Department for more information about NM Dash. The School Instructional Council (SIC) is made of teacher leaders, administrators and parents. SIC determines what our school goals are for the year which can also be adjusted as needed to ensure continuous improvement.
During SY 2023-2024, the number of eCademy Virtual HS H4 students who are currently "off-track" for graduation due to a lack of course credits will decrease by at least 5 students from BOY to MOY and an additional 10 students from MOY to EOY.
Our Goals
The 4-year Cohort Graduation Rate in 2023-2024 will show an increase of 3 percentage points compared to the 2021-2022 4-year cohort graduation rate.
During SY 2023-2024, the number of eCademy Virtual HS H4 students who are currently "off-track" for graduation due to a lack of course credits will decrease by at least 5 students from BOY to MOY and an additional 10 students from MOY to EOY.